German lessons in Germany

Here we go! The six-month intensive German language course begins. You will go to school every day and learn German very intensively. This also includes monthly intermediate examinations in which your progress and performance will be tested.

The German lessons will be conducted by the renowned “Kolping Bildungswerk Paderborn” and will take you up to language level C1 to TELC.

You should be able to communicate spontaneously and fluently with patients and colleagues, as well as understand and reproduce complex texts and technical discussions on medical topics.

This will be tested in the language test. You must pass this external examination, because it is a prerequisite for your further training and thus your employment as a doctor in a German hospital.

Technical language examination

Subsequently, you will register for the medical language examination. In order to be admitted as a physician (Approbation), you must have the knowledge of the German language required for working as a physician.

As a rule, the specialist language examination takes place before a commission of three examiners, two of whom are doctors. In the examination, a doctor-patient interview (anamnesis) is conducted.

One of the examiners assumes the role of the patient. This is followed by written documentation of the medical history and a treatment plan. For the third part, a doctor-doctor interview is simulated.

The members of the examination board jointly evaluate the examination according to a uniform, structured criteria and inform you of the result immediately after the examination.